Return to Learning Plan

Return to Learning Plan (rev. 12-9-22)
Posted on 12/09/2022
Dec 9, 2022 Updated Return to Learn Plan

We are excited about the upcoming 2020-21 school year! 

As we move from summer into fall, we are excited about many new changes. In preparation, Giles County School administrators have met throughout the summer, surveyed parents and staff, consulted with teachers and community members, and participated in regional meetings with other districts and health agencies to plan how schools could ensure safety for students, staff and families.  Our priority has been, and continues to be, providing the best possible instruction in a safe manner for our students and staff. 

While our desire is to have students return full time, our concerns of safety cannot be overstated.  Due to the remaining risks associated with being in close contact, we are opening the 20-21 school year on a 'hybrid' schedule with plans for a full review, at the four-week mark, to determine the current health conditions at that time.  Our goal is to return to a full full five day, in-person school week as soon as the risks and conditions warrant.

We invite you to read our Return to Learning Plan that's included here as well as School Nutrition documents and cover letter from Dr. Arbogast.  We hope you find these resources helpful as, together, we work towards a safer tomorrow.

Parent/Guardian Letter from Dr. Arbogast
Return to Learning Plan - Revised Effective Nov 16, 2020  Revised Jan 19, 2021
School Nutrition Documents
Infectious Disease Preparedness Plan
22-23 Inclement Weather/Virtual Plan